2. The national giftwrap companies expect parents to enter orders online. That's well and good for those who have high speed internet, but what about all those families in rural areas with dial-up internet?
3. Having parents enter orders online is promoted as saving hours of time for volunteers. What about the extra time each family has to spend entering orders. Can this reduce participation and sales in the long run?
4. One national company has gone to online-only ordering with no printed catalog. This makes it difficult for those without high-speed internet, including grandparents, people in rural areas, and those who do not have computers.
5. We offer all American-made wrapping paper and accessories. The national giftwrap companies use some imported wrap accessory items.
6. Our wrap supplier, The Giftwrap Company, is the largest wrap manufacturer in the world and we have an exclusive with them for fundraising.
7. Our wrap and gift catalog includes discount cards from Omaha Steaks. Their catalogs do not.
8. Our wrap and gift catalog includes discounts cards from Restaurants.com and their catalogs do not.
9. Schools and leagues can earn up to 60% profit on wrap items in our catalog. One national wrap company offers only 40% and the other offers up to 50%. Our profit bonus plan is based on the level of participation by your group--how many members sold out of those receiving brochures.
10. Our company and our business partners' companies are owned and managed by people experienced in product fundraising for schools--people with experience "in the field" running projects. Theirs are owned by groups of investors with no direct experience in fundraising.
There you have the top ten reasons you should be using our Mackenzie Collection. Go right now to www.fundraisingcentral.net and click on fall programs. Follow the links to view this wonderful program.
Then call us for an appointment, email us with questions, or just call or email to set up your sale for fall.
You'll be so glad you did!