Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Over The Cliff

The talking heads, bloggers, and even the Kiplinger Letter staff say we're going over the fiscal cliff. While this will not immediately impact schools, it would be prudent for school principals to do a Spring Fundraiser to add to their internal accounts in preparation for the 2013-14 school year. As we all know, when state and local finances are tight, school boards freeze budgets early in the school year. If you want to continue to offer field trips, have enough paper and toner for your copier, and have funds for teacher supply requests, you will probably have to do more fundraising. With 28 years of excellence and years before that in education, we can help. Drop by our web site www.fundraisingcentral.net for our contact information.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We have a new program to add to your fundraising profits with almost no work on your part.

Cardraising has set up custom web sites for just about every school in the nation.  Additional web sites can be set up for youth sports leagues, civic clubs, and churches.

Now you just need to make your community aware of it..  We will send (free of charge) all the marketing materials directly to your organization to promote your new website.

Find your local School's custom website at Cardraising.com.  
Click here: http://www.cardraising.com

Select "School" for cause, VA for State, and enter your zip code.

If for some reason your organization is not listed let me know and I will add it.

Personalized greeting cards are one of the fastest growing industries sweeping the nation.  Each year more and more families are sending these types of holiday cards.  Give your community something they are ordering already and make 30% off every order.  Prices and quality are competitive with other online photo card vendors

Be sure to check out the video on the web site.

No Distribution & No Accounting on your part!   Because it is online, Cardraising.com handles the order taking, fulfillment & shipping of all the products ordered.

Boost your end of the year fundraising  this season by simply letting your community know about this NEW Winter fundraiser; after all, it is already up and running at your school and can easily be added for other community organizations

Call or email me to receive your free marketing materials package.

Contact me today at  cards@fundraisingcentral.net or 1-800-326-9192

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fall sales will be strong

We always offer the best quality products form the most reliable sources. This fall we continue with two product lines from Unipak Supply--"Simply Delicious" and "Extravaganza" which both have been very strong performers. We offer quality wrapping paper shoppers from several sources, and also offer quality cookie dough from several sources. You can choose between preportioned or tubs, and between shelf-stable at room temperature using ultra-pasteurized eggs in the mix and a "homemade" recipe with real butter and fresh eggs.

We continue to offer full service. We design the parent letter, collate it with brochures and order forms, and count the sets out for each classroom or team. We offer a high-energy kickoff pep rally that increases sales dramatically. We train your volunteers on the various techniques and methods that will give you a low-effort, high production sale.

If you want the very best from an experienced and financially-stable firm, give us a call at 800-326-9192 or email bob@fundraisingcentral.net!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Our prices are reasonable

There was an article in the local newspaper today about the tax rate in our county. We are at 48 cents per $1000 of assessed value on real estate. The article compared that with the 1983 rate and in 1983 terms of the value of the dollar and the value of real estate our real tax rate is 24 cents. Things have doubled in cost since 1983. I started my fundraising business in 1986. Back then cheddar cheese sold for $7 for a tub. The tub was 16 ounces. Now it sells for $5 for a 7 ounce tub. So our prices haven't doubled on that. Back in 1986 chocolate was selling for 50 cents an ounce. Now it sells for about $1.10 an ounce, so we are about double, just like anything else. Wrapping paper has held its own in dollar pricing, but the rolls are a bit shorter. All in all, your purchasers are getting the same value for their price as they did in 1986, except the product quality is better, the packaging is better, and the prize programs are much better. We offer quality products at prices people are willing to pay. Choose us for repeatable profits year after year.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Frozen Food Sales

We can supply a frozen food fundraising program anywhere in the country. Check us out at www.fundraisingcentral.net for brochures and minimum sales requirements.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sign up Bonuses

Contact Bob for information on Sign Up Bonuses. There are bonuses for:

Elementary schools that sign up by June 15th for a Fall 2012 Fundraiser, Holiday Shop, and Spring 2013 Fundraiser. (Only have to book the date for the Spring one, and pick the brochure later.)

Middle schools that sign up by June 15th for a Fall 2012 Fundraiser, fundraisers by two student groups including band, and a Spring 2013 Fundraiser. (Only have to book the date for the Spring one, and pick the brochure later. )

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Fall 2012 programs are ready.

Our fall 2012 programs are ready and on our web site. A limited mailing will go out in our local geographic area next week. If you need a new fundraising company for your school, sports league, or community organization, have a look at www.fundraisingcentral.net. We offer quality products that you will be proud to deliver, at prices people will gladly buy. We also offer superior service. Give us a try.